EOG Milestone Resources

Click the link above to access the GA Milestones Assessment System home page.  Be sure to watch the video that provides a good overview of the program.
The Parent Question and Answer Brochure linked above provides answers to common questions about the GA Milestones Assessment System.
The links below direct you to frequently asked questions in regard to the GA Milestones Assessment System.
The link above provides access to practice sites that allows anyone to see and experience for themselves what the online testing experience is like for Georgia students. The items on these "practice" assessments are not meant to be representative of the actual content of the Milestones assessments. Instead, the intent of this site is to gain familiarity in navigating the online testing platform. The site also includes a tutorial video for using the platform.
The link above provides access to GA Milestones End-of-Grade and End-of-Course Assessment Guides. The purpose of these assessment guides is to acquaint Georgia educators, students, and other stakeholders with the structure and content assessed by these tests. (Note: Assessment Guides for the EOC Mathematics assessments are not yet available).